Thursday, November 26, 2009

After the leg surgery and a unsuccessful stay at home, am now at Warm Springs Rehab Hospital.

Am at Warm Springs Rehab getting help for my leg I just broke. I still can't believe it. Sounded like a gun shot. Thank God, I had my phone in my pocket. No one was around. If my friend Greg hadn't come to get me, I would have been lost. Thank God it was an enclosed break and not an open one.
I have been at WestOver Hills Hospital from Saturday, when the accident happened, to Tuesday. The surgeon set my leg and put it in a full leg cast, which I have to wear for 4 weeks (then get boot for another 4). I'm glad I didn't get the pin put in; doc said I'd probably have knee pain later. For an Episcopalian, that just won't work. lol.
I was discharged from the hospital day before yesterday. Things went fine until I fell in my house, while trying to get around on crutches. Spilled my urine bottle everywhere and took a hard fall. I was so depressed and hurt.
So, when friend called and said there was an opening at Warm Springs Hospital and I was preapproved, I took it. It's nice here. Hopefully I will be getting better here, and can go home and be safe.

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