Saturday, December 24, 2011

My new cold remedy

I'm slowly getting over my cold.  I've had it for days.  As soon as my Christmas break started I got sick.  Some remedies, like the one I posted a few days ago, about soaking your feet, didn't work, but some new remedies did.  I discovered a new DIY tea that made my sinuses feel a whole lot better, with a little help from Claritin.
New tea recipe:  I bought some ginger root, cut it up and put into a pan of water.  Heated to boiling.  Put in several shakes of cinnamon, red pepper, oregano, and garlic.  After boiling, I put a dish towel around my head and inhaled the steam from this mixture for a few minutes.  After it boiled down a little, I poured a cup of the mixture in a cup and added some sweetener - in my case, Agave syrup- and whahla.  I had a terrible tasting tea that really opened up my sinuses.  It worked.  No soarthroat today and nose feels better and is not running so much.

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