Friday, December 30, 2011

A Sad Christmas Gift

Had to take my puppy I got for Christmas to the Animal Defense League a few days ago.  It was very sad.  I explained to my daughter that this was way too much of a responsibility for me.  A dog is a 12-15 year commitment and I had no choice but to take her to Animal Defense.  

Tullia, the puppy, was very cute and although I tried not to get too attached, I did.  Just having her one day did it, although she peed and pooped everywhere except the yard.   

Hopefully, my daughter learned a lesson on this.  Hopefully I was assertive enough.  I don't think it was a mean gift, just misguided.  It put a major responsibility on me that she didn't consider.  I explained to her that adopting pets can't be taken lightly.  It's a major commitment.  She may have just wanted me not to be alone.  I don't know.   She assumed a lot by giving me this puppy which bothers me to this day. 

I think Tullia will be adopted without a problem..  The people at the Animal Defense League said she was in good health and there shouldn't be a problem.  I wound up paying $40 for spaying/neutering and a medical checkup.  What a sad, hurtful Christmas gift. 

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